Tieteellisiä julkaisuja
P.Janhusen johtaman sähköpurjeen keksijätiimin julkaisuja. Mukana myös ulkomaisten yhteistyökumppaniemme sähkopurjejulkaisuja.
- Janhunen, P., Electric sail for spacecraft propulsion, J. Prop. Power, 20, 763-764, 2004.
- Janhunen, P. and A. Sandroos, Simulation study of solar wind push on a charged wire: basis of solar wind electric sail propulsion, Ann. Geophys., 25, 755-767, 2007.
- Mengali, G., A. Quarta and P. Janhunen, Electric sail performance analysis, J. Spacecr. Rockets, 45, 122-129, 2008.
- Janhunen, P., The electric sail - a new propulsion method which may enable fast missions to the outer solar system, J. British Interpl. Soc., 61, 8, 322-325, 2008.
- Mengali, G., A. Quarta and P. Janhunen, Considerations of electric sail trajectory design, J. British Interpl. Soc., 61, 8, 326-329, 2008.
- Mengali, G. and A. Quarta, Non-Keplerian orbits for electric sails, Cel. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 105, 179-195, doi:10.1007/s10569-009-9200-y, 2009.
- Janhunen, P., On the feasibility of a negative polarity electric sail, Ann. Geophys., 27, 1439-1447, 2009.
- Toivanen, P.K. and P. Janhunen, Electric sailing under observed solar wind conditions, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 5, 61-69, 2009.
- Janhunen, P., Increased electric sail thrust through removal of trapped shielding electrons by orbit chaotisation due to spacecraft body, Ann. Geophys., 27, 3089-3100, 2009.
- Janhunen, P., Electrostatic plasma brake for deorbiting a satellite, J. Prop. Power, 26, 370-372, 2010.
- Quarta, A.A. and G. Mengali, Electric sail mission analysis for outer solar system exploration, J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., 33, 740-755, 2010.
- Quarta, A.A. and G. Mengali, Electric sail missions to potentially hazardous asteroids, Acta Astronaut., 66, 1506-1519, 2010.
- Quarta, A.A., G. Mengali and P. Janhunen, Optimal interplanetary rendezvous combining electric sail and high thrust propulsion system, Acta Astronaut., 68, 603-621, 2011.
- Janhunen, P., P.K. Toivanen, J. Polkko, S. Merikallio, P. Salminen, E. Hæggström, H. Seppänen, R. Kurppa, J. Ukkonen, S. Kiprich, G. Thornell, H. Kratz, L. Richter, O. Krömer, R. Rosta, M. Noorma, J. Envall, S. Lätt, G. Mengali, A.A. Quarta, H. Koivisto, O. Tarvainen, T. Kalvas, J. Kauppinen, A. Nuottajärvi and A. Obraztsov, Electric solar wind sail: Toward test missions, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 81, 111301, 2010.
- Merikallio, S. and P. Janhunen, Moving an asteroid with electric solar wind sail, Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans., 6, 41-48, 2010.
- Janhunen, P., Status report of the electric sail in 2009, Acta Astronaut., 68, 567-570, 2011
- Seppänen, H., Kiprich, S., Kurppa, R., Janhunen, P. and Hæggström, E., Wire-to-wire bonding of um-diameter aluminum wires for the Electric Solar Wind Sail, Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 3267-3269, 2011.
- Mengali, G., Quarta, A. and Aliasi, G., A graphical approach to electric sail mission design with radial thrust, Acta Astronaut., 82, 197-208, 2013.
- Janhunen, P., Photonic spin control for solar wind electric sail, Acta Astronaut., 83, 85-90, 2013.
- Toivanen, P. and P. Janhunen, Spin plane control and thrust vectoring of electric solar wind sail by tether potential modulation, J. Prop. Power, 29, 178-185, 2013.
- Janhunen, P., A. Quarta and G. Mengali, Electric solar wind sail mass budget model, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 2, 85-95, 2013.
- Seppänen, H., T. Rauhala, S. Kiprich, J. Ukkonen, M. Simonsson, R. Kurppa, P. Janhunen and E. Hæggström, One kilometer (1 km) electric solar wind sail tether produced automatically, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 84, 095102, 2013.
- Kestilä, A., T. Tikka, P. Peitso, J. Rantanen, A Näsilä, K. Nordling, H. Saari, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, J. Praks and M. Hallikainen, Aalto-1 nanosatellite - technical description and mission objectives, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 2, 121-130, 2013.
- Janhunen, P., Electric sail, photonic sail and deorbiting applications of the freely guided photonic blade, Acta Astronaut., 93, 410-417, 2014.
- Slavinskis, A., U. Kvell, E. Kulu, I Sünter, H. Kuuste, S. Lätt, K. Voormansik and M. Noorma, High spin rate magnetic controller for nanosatellites, Acta Astronaut., 95, 218-226, 2014.
- Lätt, S., A. Slavinskis, E. Ilbis, U. Kvell, K. Voormansik, E. Kulu, M. Pajusalu, H. Kuuste, I. Sünter, T. Eenmäe, K. Laizāns, K. Zālite, R. Vendt, J. Piepenbrock, I. Ansko, A. Leitu, A. Vahter, A. Agu, E. Eilonen, E. Soolo, H. Ehrpais, H. Lillmaa, I. Mahhonin, J. Mõttus, J. Viru, J. Kalde, J. Šubitidze, J. Mucenieks, J. Sate, J. Kütt, J. Polevskis, J. Laks, K. Kivistik, K.-L. Kusmin, K.-G. Kruus, K. Tarbe, K. Tuude, K. Kalniņa, L. Joost, M. Lõoke, M. Järve, M. Vellak, M. Neerot, M. Valgur, M. Pelakauskas, M. Averin, M. Mikkor, M. Veske, O. Schlere, P. Liias, P. Laes, R. Rantsus, R. Soosaar, R. Reinumägi, R. Valner, S. Kurvits, S.-E. Mändmaa, T. Ilves, T. Peet, T. Ani, T. Tilk, T.H.C. Tamm, T. Scheffler, T. Vahter, T. Uiboupin, V. Evard, A. Sisask, L. Kimmel, O. Krömer, R. Rosta, P. Janhunen, J. Envall, P. Toivanen, T. Rauhala, H. Seppänen, J. Ukkonen, E. Hæggström, R. Kurppa, T. Kalvas, O. Tarvainen, J. Kauppinen, A. Nuottajärvi, H. Koivisto, S. Kiprich, A. Obraztsov, V. Allik, A. Reinart and M. Noorma, ESTCube-1 nanosatellite for electric solar wind sail in-orbit technology demonstration, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 63, 200-209, 2014.
- Envall, J., P. Janhunen, P. Toivanen, M. Pajusalu, E. Ilbis, J. Kalde, M. Averin, H. Kuuste, K. Laizāns, V. Allik, T. Rauhala, H. Seppänen, S. Kiprich, J. Ukkonen, E. Hæggström, T. Kalvas, O. Tarvainen, J. Kauppinen, A. Nuottajärvi and H. Koivisto, E-sail test payload of ESTCube-1 nanosatellite, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 63, 210-221, 2014.
- Slavinskis, A., et al., Attitude determination and control for centrifugal tether deployment on the ESTCube-1 nanosatellite, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 63, 242-249, 2014.
- Khursid, O., T. Tikka, J. Praks and M. Hallikainen, Accommodating the plasma brake experiment on-board the Aalto-1 satellite, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 63, 258-266, 2014.
- Janhunen, P., P. Toivanen, J. Envall, S. Merikallio, G. Montesanti, J. Gonzalez del Amo, U. Kvell, M. Noorma and S. Lätt, Overview of electric solar wind sail applications, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., 63, 267-278, 2014.
- Quarta, A.A., G. Mengali and P. Janhunen, Electric sail for near-Earth asteroid sample return mission: case 1998 KY26, J. Aerospace Eng., 27, 6, 04014031-1--04014031-9, 2014.
- Janhunen, P., Simulation study of the plasma-brake effect, Ann. Geophys., 32, 1207-1216, 2014.
- Janhunen, P., Lebreton, J.-P., Merikallio, S., Paton, M., Mengali, G. and Quarta, A.A., Fast E-sail Uranus entry probe mission, Planet. Space Sci., 104A, 141-146, 2014.
- Janhunen, P. and Toivanen, P., Technical note: an intrinsic way to control E-sail spin, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., rejected, 2014.
- Kleshch, V.I., E.A. Smolnikova, A.S. Orekhov, T. Kalvas, O. Tarvainen, J. Kauppinen, A. Nuottajärvi, H. Koivisto, P. Janhunen and A.N. Obraztsov, Nano-graphite cold cathodes for electric solar wind sail, Carbon, 81, 132-136, 2015.
- Toivanen, P., P. Janhunen and J. Envall, Electric sail control mode for amplified transverse thrust, Acta Astronaut., 106, 111-119, 2015.
- Rosta, R., O. Krömer, T. van Zöst, P. Janhunen and M. Noorma, Wrecker: an unreeling mechanism for a thin electrically conductive space tether, CEAS Space J., 7:53-68, 2015.
- Janhunen, P., S. Merikallio and M. Paton, EMMI - Electric solar wind sail facilitated Manned Mars Initiative, Acta Astronaut., 113, 22-28, 2015.
- Janhunen, P. and P. Toivanen, Safety criteria for flying E-sail through solar eclipse, Acta Astronaut., 114, 1-5, 2015.
- Slavinskis, A., M. Pajusalu, H. Kuuste, E. Ilbis, T. Eenmäe, I. Sünter, K. Laizāns, H. Ehrpais, P. Liias, E. Kulu, J. Viru, J. Kalde, U. Kvell, J. Kütt, K. Zālite, K. Kahn, S. Lätt, J. Envall, P. Toivanen, J. Polkko, P. Janhunen, R. Rosta, T. Kalvas, R. Vendt, V. Allik and M. Noorma, ESTCube-1 in-orbit experience and lessons learned, IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine, 30, 13-22, 2015.
- Quarta, A.A., G. Aliasi and G. Mengali, Electric solar wind sail optimal transit in the circular restricted three body problem, Acta Astronaut., 116, 43-49, 2015.
- Janhunen, P., Boltzmann electron PIC simulation of the E-sail effect, Ann. Geophys., 33, 1507-1512, 2015.
- Quarta, A.A., G. Mengali and P. Janhunen, Electric sail option for cometary rendezvous, Acta Astronaut., 127, 684-692, 2016.
- Hassan, M., L. Borgese, G. Montesanti, E. Bemporad, G. Cesarini, R. Li Voti and L.E. Depero, Atomic layer deposition of semiconductor oxides on electric sail tethers, Thin Solid Films, doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2016.11.044, 2016.
- Toivanen, P. and P. Janhunen, Thrust vectoring of an electric solar wind sail with a realistic sail shape, Acta Astronaut., 131, 145-151, 2017.
- Janhunen, P. and P. Toivanen, TI tether rig for solving secular spinrate change problem of electric sail, 2017.
- Orsini, L., L. Niccolai, G. Mengali and A.A. Quarta, Plasma brake model for preliminary mission analysis, Acta Astronaut., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2017.12.048, 2018.
- Iakubivskyi, I., P. Janhunen, J. Praks, V. Allik, K. Bussov, B. Clayhills, J. Dalbins, T. Eenmäe, H. Ehrpais, J. Envall, S. Haslam, E. Ilbis, N. Jovanovic, E. Kilpua, J. Kivastik, J. Laks, P. Laufer, M. Merisalu, M. Meskanen, R. Märk, A. Nath, P. Niemelä, M. Noorma, M.R. Mughal, S. Nyman, M. Pajusalu, M. Palmroth, A.S. Paul, T. Peltola, M. Plans, J. Polkko, Q.S. Islam, A. Reinart, B. Riwanto, V. Sammelselg, J. Sate, I. Sünter, M. Tajmar, E. Tanskanen, H. Teras, P. Toivanen, R. Vainio, M. Väänänen and A. Slavinskis, Coulomb drag propulsion experiment of ESTCube-2 and FORESAIL-1, Acta Astronautica, 177, 771-783, 2020.
- Iakubivskyi, I., L. Mačiulis, P. Janhunen, J. Dalbins, M. Noorma and A. Slavinskis, Aspects of nanospacecraft design for main-belt sailing voyage, Adv. Space Res., 67, 9, 2957-2980, 2021.
- Praks, J., M. Rizwan Mughal, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, J. Envall, P. Oleynik, A. Näsilä, H. Leppinen, P. Niemelä, A. Slavinskisa, J. Gieseler, P. Toivanen, T. Tikka, T. Peltola, A. Bosser, G. Schwarzkopf, N. Jovanovic, B. Riwanto, A. Kestilä, A. Punkkinen, R.Punkkinen, H.-P. Hedman, T.Säntti, J.-O. Lill, J.M.K. Slotte, H. Kettunen and A. Virtanen, Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: Design, integration and launch, Acta Astronaut., 187, 370-383, 2021.
- Rizwan Mughal, M., J. Praks, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, J. Envall, A. Näsilä, P. Oleynik, P. Niemelä, A. Slavinskis, J. Gieseler, N. Jovanovic, B. Riwanto, P. Toivanen, H. Leppinen, T. Tikka, A. Punkkinen, R. Punkkinen, H.-P. Hedman, J.-O. Lill and J.M.K. Slotte, Aalto-1 multi-payload CubeSat: in-orbit results and lessons learned, Acta Astronaut., 187, 557-568, 2021.
- Dalbins, J., K. Allaje, H. Ehrpais, I. Iakubivskyi, E. Ilbis, P. Janhunen, J. Kivastik, M. Merisalu, M. Noorma, M. Pajusalu, I. Sünter, A. Tamm, H. Teras, P. Toivanen, B. Segret and A. Slavinskis, Interplanetary Student Nanospacecraft: Development of the LEO Demonstrator ESTCube-2, Aerospace, 10, 503, 2023, doi:10.3390/aerospace10060503
- Toivanen, P., P. Janhunen, J. Kivekäs and M.Mäkelä, Robust flight tether for in-orbit demonstrations of Coulomb drag propulsion, Aerospace, 11, 62, 2024, doi:10.3390/aerospace11010062
Joitakin tieteellisiä kokousjulkaisuja ja yleistajuisia artikkeleita
- Avaruusluotain-lehden ensimmäinen artikkeli (joulukuu 2006)
- Avaruusluotain-lehden toinen artikkeli (helmikuu 2007)
- Artikkeli Arkhimedes-lehden numerossa 3/2007 (18.5.2007)
- ESA/ESTEC:ssä pidetyn ensimmäisen sähköpurjekokouksen loppupäätelmät ja esitykset (in English, 19.5.2008)
- Janhunen, P., Recent advances in Electric Sail development, ASTRONUM-2008, St. John US Virgin Islands, June 8-13, ASP Conf. Ser., 406, 135, 2009.
- Janhunen, P., Physics of thrust prediction of the solar wind electric sail propulsion system, ASTRONUM-2009, Chamonix, France, June 29-July 3, ASP Conf. Ser., 429, 187-192, 2010.
- Janhunen, P., et al., Electric solar wind sail propulsion system development, International Electric Propulsion Conference IEPC-2011-058, Wiesbaden, Germany, Sept. 11-15, 2011.
- Janhunen, P., PIC simulation of Electric Sail with explicit trapped electron modelling, ASTRONUM-2011, Valencia, Spain, June 13-17, ASP Conf. Ser. 459, 271-276, 2012.
- Janhunen, P., S. Merikallio, P. Toivanen, J. Envall and J. Polkko, Possibilities opened by electric solar wind sail technology, 63rd Int. Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, Oct 1-5 2012, IAC-12-D4.1.4, 2012.
- Khursid, O., et al., Attitude dynamics analysis of Aalto-1 satellite during de-orbiting experiment with Plasma Brake, 63rd Int. Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, Oct 1-5 2012, IAC-12-B4.2.11, 2012.
- Toivanen, P., P. Janhunen, J. Envall and S. Merikallio, Electric solar wind sail control and navigation, Proceedings of First IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Porto, Portugal, March 19-21, 2012.
- Rauhala, T., H. Seppänen, J. Ukkonen, S. Kiprich, G. Maconi, P. Janhunen and E. Hæggström, Automatic 4-wire Heytether production for the electric solar wind sail, International Microelectronics Assembly and Packing Society Topical Workshop and Tabletop Exhibition on Wire Bonding, Radisson SAS hotel San Jose airport, Jan 22-23, San Jose, California, USA, 2013.
- Toivanen, P. and P. Janhunen, Electric solar wind sail: deployment, long-term dynamics and control hardware requirements, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Solar Sailing, Glasgow, Scotland, June 11-13, 2013.
- Janhunen, P., Coulomb drag devices: electric solar wind sail propulsion and ionospheric deorbiting, Space Propulsion 2014, Köln, Germany, May 19-22, 2014.
- Quarta, A.A., G. Mengali and P. Janhunen, Electric sail option for cometary rendezvous, 9th IAA Symposium on the future of space exploration: towards new global programmes, Torino, Italy, July 7-9, 2015.
- Janhunen, P., J. Envall, P. Toivanen, T. Rauhala, E. Hæggström and Tor-Arne Grönland, CubeSat testing of Coulomb drag propulsion, Space Propulsion 2016, Rome, Italy, May 2-6, 2016.
- Janhunen, P., Toivanen, P. and Envall, J., Using charged tether Coulomb drag: E-sail and plasma brake. Fifth International Conference on Tethers in Space, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 24-26 May, 2016.
- Merikallio, S. and Janhunen, P., The electric solar wind sail (E-sail): propulsion innovation for solar system travel, The Bridge, 48 (1), 28-32, Nat. Acad. Eng., 2018.
- Janhunen, P., P. Toivanen, J. Envall, K. Muinonen, A. Penttilä T. Kohout, M. Granvik, I. Iakubivskyi and A. Slavinskis, Asteroid flyby fleet mission by E-sail propulsion, Space Propulsion 2018 conference, Seville, Spain, 13-18 May, 2018.
- Janhunen, P. and P. Toivanen, A scheme for controlling the E-sail's spin rate by the E-sail effect itself, Space Propulsion 2018 conference, Seville, Spain, 13-18 May, 2018.
- Slavinskis, A., Janhunen, P., Toivanen, P., Muinonen, K., Penttilä, A., Granvik, M., Kohout, T., Gritsevich, M., Pajusalu, M., Sünter, I., Ehrpais, H., Dalbins, J., Iakubivskyi, I., Eenmäe, T., Ilbis, E., Mauro, D., Stupi, J., Rivkin, A.S. and Bottke, W.F., Nanospacecraft fleet for multi-asteroid touring with electric solar wind sails, IEEE Aerospace Conf., 2018.
- Dalbins, J., K. Allaje, I. Iakubivskyi, J. Kivastik, R. Komarovskis, O. Roberts, M. Plans, I. Sunter, H. Teras, H. Ehrpais, E. Ilbis, M. Noorma, A. Slavinskis, M. Merisalu and P. Janhunen, ESTCube-2: The experience of developing a highly integrated cubesat platform, 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), Big Sky, MT, USA, 2022, pp. 1-16, doi: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843521
- EU "ESAIL" FP7-hankkeen tulokset, 2011-2013.
- Janhunen, P., P. Toivanen and J. Envall, Electrostatic tether plasma brake, ESA CleanSat Building Block 15 (BB15) final report, ESA CleanSat project, January 18, 2017.
- Janhunen, P., P. Toivanen, J. Envall and J. Polkko, Asteroid touring by electric sail technology, ESA TRP project final report, ESA, November 11, 2019.
Ryhmämme avaruusteknologia-aiheisia julkaisuja jotka eivät liity sähköpurjeeseen
- Janhunen, P., Natural illumination solution for rotating space settlements, NSS Space Settlement Journal, Issue 4, 2018.
- Janhunen, P. Control of habitat's carbon dioxide level by biomass burning, NSS Space Settlement Journal, Issue 4, 2019.
- Janhunen, P., P. Toivanen and K. Ruosteenoja, Steam balloon concept for lifting rockets to launch altitude, The Aeronautical Journal, 123, 1263, 600-616, 2019.
- Janhunen, P., Shielded dumbbell L5 settlement, NSS Space Settlement Journal, Issue 4,2020.
- Janhunen, P., Terraforming the dwarf planet: Interconnected and growable Ceres megasatellite world, J. British Interplanetary Soc., 74, 6, 2021.
Eräitä muiden tutkimusryhmien julkaisuja
Sähköpurjeaiheisia julkaisuja joiden kirjoittajat ovat meistä riippumattomia. Joissain julkaisuissa ei puhuta sähköpurjeesta, vaikka artikkeli asiaan liittyykin. Huomaa että luetteloa ei ylläpidetä systemaattisesti eikä se varmastikaan ole täydellinen.
- Qi, N., M. Huo and Q. Yuan, Electric sail trajectory optimization and performance analysis, Journal of Astronautics, 2013-05, 2013.
- Quarta, A.A. and Mengali, G., Trajectory approximation for low-performance electric sail with constant thrust angle, J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., 36(3), 884-887, doi:10.2514/1.59076, 2013.
- Siguier, J.-M., P. Sarrailh, J.-F. Roussel, V. Inguimbert, G. Murat and J. SanMartin, Drifting plasma collection by a positive biased tether wire in LEO-like plasma conditions: current measurement and plasma diagnostics, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 41, 3380-3386, 2013.
- Yamaguchi, K. and H. Yamakawa, Study on orbital maneuvers for electric sail with on-off thrust control, Aerospace Technology Japan, the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 12, 79-88, 2013.
- Sanchez-Torres, A., Propulsive force in an electric solar sail, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 54, 314-319, 2014.
- Novoseltsev, D., Small unmanned spacecraft with electric solar sail, Space Colonization Journal, 20, 2014.
- Sanchez-Arriaga, G. and D. Pastor-Moreno, Direct Vlasov simulations of electron-attracting cylindrical Langmuir probes in flowing plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 21, 073504, 2014.
- Huo, M., Zhao, J., Xie, S. and Qi, N., Coupled attitude-orbit dynamics and control for an electric sail in a heliocentric transfer mission, PlosONE, May 7, 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125901.
- Yamaguchi, K. and H. Yamakawa, Electric solar wind sail kinetic energy impactor for asteroid deflection missions, J. Astronaut. Sci., 1-22, 2016, doit:10.1007/s40295-015-0081-x.
- Perakis, N. and A.M. Hein, Combining magnetic and electric sails for interstellar deceleration, Acta Astronaut., 128, 13-20, 2016.
- Quarta, A.A. and Mengali, G., Analysis of electric sail heliocentric motion ounder radial thrust, J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., 39(6), 1431-1435, doi:102514/1.G001632, 2016.
- Quarta, A.A. and Mengali, G., Minimum-time trajectories of electric sail with advanced thrust model, Aerospace Sci. Tech., 55, 419-430, doi:10.1016/j.ast.2016.06.020, 2016.
- Niccolai, L., Quarta, A.A. and Mengali, G., Two-dimensional heliocentric dynamics approximation of an electric sail with fixed attitude, Aerospace Sci. Tech., 71, 441-446, doi:10.1016/j.ast.2017.09.045, 2017.
- Huo, M., Mengali, G. and Quarta, A.A., Electric sail thrust model from a geometrical perspective, J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., doi:10.2514/1.G003169, 2018.
- Liu, F., Q. Hu and Y. Liu, Attitude dynamics of electric sail from multibody perspective, J. Guid. Contr. Dyn., doi:10.2514/1.G003625, 2018.
- Bassetto, M., L. Niccolai, A.A. Quarta and G. Mengali, A comprehensive review of Electric Solar Wind Sail concept and its applications, Progress Aerospace Sci., 128, 100768, 2022.
- Henri Seppänen, Ultrasonically manufactured space tether, Helsingin yliopisto, 10.3.2015.
- Andris Slavinskis, ESTCube-1 attitude determination, Tarton yliopisto, 26.11.2015.
- Giuditta Montesanti, Mechanical and optical behaviour of coated and non-coated Al-1%Si tethers for the electric solar wind sail technology, Univ. Roma Tre, June, 2017.
Joitain lehdistötiedotteita